35. Which of the following, if it had occurred, would probably NOT have caused an error in interpreting the results of Experiment 2 ?

Answer and Explanation

Your Answer is

Correct Answer is A


Look at the second line of the second paragraph of Experiment 2...were used to calculate the mass of CuO reacted and the mass of H2O formed. It can be known that the purpose of the experiment is to measure the participating reactions The mass of CuO, and the mass of H2O produced by the reaction.

If the situation mentioned in option B occurs, then the quality of CuO that is really participating in the reaction cannot be measured, so it is excluded;

If the situation mentioned in option C occurs , then the quality of the product H2O cannot be measured, so it is excluded;

If the situation mentioned in option D occurs, CuO and H2 The reaction also generates some other products, so it is impossible to judge how much CuO participated in the reaction of generating H2O, and if other products are liquid, it may also lead to the inaccurate measurement of H 2The quality of O, so it is also excluded;

Only the H2 of option A contains impurities that do not participate in the reaction, which will not affect the measurement results< /p>