16. The main function of the sixth paragraph (the highlighted portion) in relation to the passage as a whole is most likely to provide:

Answer and Explanation

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Correct Answer is G


The first sentence of the sixth paragraph summarizes the above, that is, the inter-company recycling cycle. The second sentence leads to a new way of environmental protection. How to deal with the produced products to be more environmentally friendly? This new model is then discussed in the last two paragraphs: Many countries have introduced recycling policies that require companies to recycle products that can be used again. So the sixth paragraph is the link between the previous and the next. Item G fits the paragraph function.

Item F: Instead of explaining L54-57, it introduces new environmental protection policies.

Item H: No conclusions have been drawn about the no-waste economy.

Item J: It does not summarize the author's main arguments, but is just a link between the past and the future, paving the way for the new arguments proposed below.