41. Given that all the choices are accurate, which one most clearly suggests that restoring native fish at Emiquon was a more hands-on process than restoring native plants?

Answer and Explanation

Your Answer is

Correct Answer is A


Hands-on is hands-on, practical. The question asked us to choose a project that can reflect that "recovery of native fish is more hands-on than restoration of native plants".

Item B: had caused native fish to disappear expression The disappearance of fish is not restored, so it is excluded;

Item C: biologists knew that... only reflects that biologists realized The specific species of fish that have disappeared have nothing to do with recovery and should also be excluded;

Item D: It is mentioned that biologists realize that fish are sensitive to the environment. This content has nothing to do with recovery and should still be excluded.

Only in option A, ecologists had to intervene reflects that hands-on intervention is associated with hands-on; to reintroduce native fish reflects the need to restore local fish. Therefore, option A best meets the requirements of the question stem.