12. In the study, the relative fitness of a nonmutated strain that was grown for 24 hr in the absence of an antibiotic was set to 1.0. Was this strain more likely Strain U or Strain Z, and was this strain grown for 24 hr at a streptomycin concentration of 0 μg/mL or at a streptomycin concentration of 8 μg/mL ?

Answer and Explanation

Your Answer is

Correct Answer is F


The background text information mentions "1 nonmutated (StrainU)", so combined with the "nonmutated strain" in the title stem, we can know that it should be Strain U; ​​combined with Table 1, we can know that when the streptomycin concentration is 0, the relative fitness is 1.0, and when it is 8, it is 0.0 , that is, no bacteria survived (relative fitness) at 8 o'clock, so choose F