29. Consider the hypothesis “For a given central body and a given satellite mass, the greater the altitude of the orbit, the greater the orbital energy.” Which group(s) of satellites listed in Table 1 could be cited as evidence in support of this hypothesis?

Answer and Explanation

Your Answer is

Correct Answer is C


SeeTable 1,Satellites 1-4central bodybothMoon,mass Both100 kg,< /span>orbital energywithaltitudeincreases; same span>Satellite 9-12central bodybothEarth,massboth100 kg ,orbital energyalso withaltitude increases. So1-4and9-12 can prove that the point of view in the title is correct.

#000000">Also withaltitude increased. So1-4and9-12Can prove the point in the question is correct.

#000000">Also withaltitude increased. So1-4and9-12Can prove the point in the question is correct.

PingFang SC;color:#000000">and9-12 can prove that the point of view in the title is correct.

PingFang SC;color:#000000">and9-12 can prove that the point of view in the title is correct.