Questions 14-17 ask about Passage B.

17. In Passage B, it can most reasonably be inferred from the third paragraph (in the highlighted sentence) that “centers of crop diversity” become crucially important when:

Answer and Explanation

Your Answer is

Correct Answer is B


This question is a difficult question, and it mainly examines the understanding of the difficult sentence L74-79.

“The forests (of wild foragers) and the orchards (of traditional farmers in such centers of crop diversity) are the wellsprings of diversity [that] plant breeders, pathologists, and entomologists return to [every time] Our society whittles the resilience in our fields and orchards down to its breaking point.” 1. Main sentence translation:

The forests and the orchards are the wellsprings of diversity. (The forests and the orchards are the wellsprings of diversity. Source.)

2. The attributive clause guided by that (that modifies diversity, acting as the object of the clause verb phrase return to):

A, B, and C return to diversity.( A, B, and C These scientists will return to the diversity brought by these forests and orchards for help.)

3. every time guides the adverbial clause of time, every time can be translated into when (every time)

A, B, and C return to diversity [every time] our society whittles the resilience in our fields and orchards down to its breaking point. (Whenever our land and orchards are overused to the point where we can no longer grow crops, scientists turn to the diversity of crops that forests and orchards bring.)

Item B: "Problems with cultivated crops make experts need to study new crops" fits the positioning information.

ACD item: It does not match the information of L74-79 and can be excluded.