Questions 28-30 ask about both passages.

29. It is most reasonable to infer that the authors of Passage A and Passage B would agree that for a director to reinterpret Oklahoma! for today’s audiences is an act of:

Answer and Explanation

Your Answer is

Correct Answer is A


L 38-40 in the last paragraph of passage A, "The members of the audience didn't feel overwhelmed by a classic; instead, they were as moved as I was by the humility and hope that Smith and her company brought to the show." (The audience was not conquered by this classic drama. On the contrary, they were just moved by the director's humility and hope like me.) It shows that the author is not convinced by this adaptation, but moved by their efforts and efforts.

In the last paragraph of passage B, lines 84-88, although the audience's response was not enthusiastic, they recognized the actors who worked hard. Therefore, the audience has a positive and encouraging attitude towards this kind of adaptation attempt, but because the original text is too classic, it affects their love for the adaptation.

BC item: Stupidity and arrogance are not reflected, excluded.

Item D: The author pointed out the problems in the adaptation of the new play, and does not think that it should necessarily surpass the original play.