Questions 21-25 ask about Passage A.

21. When Bradbury claims, “Thus I fell into surprise” (the highlighted sentence), he’s most nearly referring to the:

Answer and Explanation

Your Answer is

Correct Answer is A


In the second paragraph L8, the author said that his writing method is called word-association, and then introduced the origin of this writing method, and found the best writing method by reviewing past experiences. L16, "the surprise was total and lovely" (indicating that this way of writing brought a sense of surprise) so L46, "thus I fell into surprise" The surprise here refers to the surprise brought about by the new way of writing.

Item A: "The word-association writing method brings surprises" in line with the positioning information.

Item B: Recalling a long-forgotten experience. This is the method used by the author to get the word-association writing style.

Item C: There is no mention of being more efficient.

Item D: No mention of honest, authentic.