1. It can reasonably be inferred from the passage that which of the following events occurs first chronologically?

Answer and Explanation

Your Answer is

Correct Answer is C


The question is about chronological order, what happened first. According to the narrative sequence: an orange grows on the tree (paragraphs 1 to 3), a line grows from the orange tree, and the orange wants to catch it (lines 41-42 in the fourth paragraph), Rafaela and Sol protect Orange, avoid being hurt by lizard and beetle (line 50 in the fifth paragraph) Rafaela followed Sol to the shade. (lines 79-80 of the seventh paragraph), the orange fell down (lines 83-84 of the seventh paragraph).

Item C: L41-42.

Item B: L50.

Item A: L79-80.

Item D: L83-84.