15. According to the passage, Gornick believes that Stanton is the model for the type of feminism found in the 1970s because Stanton:

Answer and Explanation

Your Answer is

Correct Answer is C


Detailed questions to examine cause and effect.

According to the time of the question stem, locate lines 41-43, "Because she refused to compromise and lower her justice demands because of temporary political interests, and has always been equally loyal to her political ideas." (out of is Because of the meaning)

Item C: "Refused to compromise her political ideas", which is in line with the positioning information.

Item A: It is not mentioned in the text.

Item B: "Reduced her enthusiasm for justice", which is the opposite of positioning information.

Item D: "The limitations for reformers are very practical", contrary to positioning information, she feels that it cannot be compromised at any time.