7. The word it in highlighted portion most directly refers to:

Answer and Explanation

Your Answer is

Correct Answer is C


L21-27 mainly describes the quiet state. L25: "The quietness melts away all the noise and troubles. In this quietness, Kheim vaguely feels that his life is connected with the sky and the ocean."

Item C: According to the meaning of the sentence, " In this quietness" is consistent with the relationship of reference and logic.

Item D: "it" refers to the singular noun that appeared before, so the plural noun is directly excluded.

Item B: L22-23 The smell of sea water soothes the chaos of life. This paragraph describes silence, so it cannot be in chaos.

Item A: This paragraph mainly describes silence, not the taste of sea water, so it should be in the quiet, vaguely feeling the true form of life.