24. It can most reasonably be inferred that the passage's author considers the frequent use in a biography of phrased such as "one can imagine" or "there is every reason to believe" (highlighted portion) to be:

Answer and Explanation

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Correct Answer is J


According to the question stem, locate L53-55. These parentheses are used because Clinton made guesses about information he did not understand. The author thinks the reason is due to L50-51, less researched and less detailed so a lot of information can only be guessed. The authors of L56-60 compared Clinton with L and H, emphasizing that L and H had less guesses because they collected more information. Therefore, the author's attitude towards Clinton's guess is negative.

Item J: Unwelcome.

FG item: Positive attitude exclusion.

Item H: It is not inevitable, or because the research is not enough.