30. A given concentration of NH3 in Earth's atmosphere can trap as much heat radiating from Earth's surface as can a CO2 concentration 3 times higher. Given this information and Scientist 2's viewpoint, the present-day concentration of NH3 would trap an amount of heat equivalent to that trapped by the present-day concentration of CO2 would be approximately:

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Correct Answer is H


Look at the third line of the first paragraph of Scientist 2, the 360 ​​parts per million (ppm) present today. The concentration of CO2 today is 360 ppm. The stem of the question says the same concentration of NH3 The ability of trap heat is 3 times that of CO2, if only 360/3=120 ppm of NH3 is needed, it can be compared with today’s CO 2 Traps the same amount of heat