7. The narrator indicates that unlike in modern times, in her youth and into her middle years:

Answer and Explanation

Your Answer is

Correct Answer is D


Subject requirements: Different from the present, what were the characteristics of that era when the author was young?

Go to the second paragraph.

Item D: Locating to L11-12 in the past years, the secrets have not been made public.

Item A: Wrong comparison, by locating L10 "Secrets were surely no better kept than they are now." It should be translated into "Secrets were surely no better kept than they are now." A no more than B is a difficult comparative sentence structure. Should be translated as "Neither - - -" or "If B does not - - -, neither does A - - -".

Item B: By targeting L9-10, people also gossip in the past, the only difference is that there was no public secret in the past.

Item C: False comparison, the second paragraph does not mention that people in the past had less respect for secrets than they do now.